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Test Pain Relief - Turn down the volume!
Use a little common sense please!
This does NOT replace going to the Doctor! You may have a seroius injury or condition so GO FIND OUT!
I know some of these look too simple to be effective. You don't have to know why they work right now just take a little leap of faith and try them. These have helped a lot of folks turn down the volume on neck pain, back pain, hip pain, knee pain, sciatic pain, etc.
This page is intended to help you "Turn Down The Volume" on pain, not to "fix" you. When the pain is not screaming so loud please go back to the home page and let's get started figuring out what to do from here.
I work with clients via Skype when coming to Oklahoma City is not practicle
You can also find an Egoscue® clinic or affiliate near you at Egoscue.com
You can do these multiple times a day if needed - For more information read Pete Egoscue's book "Pain Free".
Stay in this position 5, 10, or 15 minutes
15 Min (or more) each leg


  1. Lie on your back with both legs up over an Egoscue block, ottoman, bench, or chair.
  2. Place arms at sides at about 45 degrees between the shoulders and hips with the palms up.
  3. If you can’t get your head onto the floor comfortably, place a small lift under your head.
  4. Relax and allow the lumbar spine to flatten to the floor

    This exercise creates horizontal load between shoulder and pelvis, which contributes to thoracic extension by engaging the stabilizers and flexors of the hip. This position helps prevent compensation from occurring while performing other types of muscular work.


  1. Lie on your back in the supine groin position with one leg straight out on the floor and the other leg on a block or a chair with the knee bent at 90 degrees
  2. Your arms are out to your sides with palms facing up, upper body relaxed
  3. Tighten the thigh of the straight leg
    * To do this flatten your knee down the floor - do not tighten your butt muscles
  4. Notice where you most feel contraction or tightening of the muscle (probably, just above the knee)
  5. Next, relax the thigh contraction for 5 minutes and then recheck it again at the next 5 minute point. The contraction should feel higher up the leg this time and with each consecutive test
  6. Relax then repeat on other leg

    Purpose: This exercise promotes an elongation of the hip and groin muscles. The effect of this action will create a chain reaction of muscular response in the upper body

VS Notes about Airbench:
If you are too uncomfortable to stay in this postion, don't go down so far!
Slide up the wall until you feel a good but tolerable strain in the upper legs.

Same thing if it bothers your knees too much!
Keep your weight in your heels and your back flat to the wall.

This is a POWERFUL pain reliever. It will become your best friend but it may take a little "getting used to".

AIRBENCH - video
1 minute then build up to 2 minutes


  1. Stand with your back against a wall with feet and knees hip width apart and feet pointed straight
  2. Walk your feet away from the wall while sliding your body down at the same time You will be "seated" in an invisible chair, with your knees bent to 90 degrees Your hips are just slightly higher than your knees; your ankles are slightly ahead of your knees Your lower back should be completely flat against the wall Your arms can hang down to your sides, or rest your hands gently on your lap
  3.  Hold as directed on your menuKeep the weight in your heels, do not press forward on your toes

    Notes: Your hands and arms should be relaxed down at your sides or resting lightly on your lap
    Once you have lowered yourself into a sitting position your lower back should be flat against the wall

    Purpose: This exercise promotes proper function of the lower load joints while stabilizing the opposing pelvis.


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