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"The aim here is not to treat a trigger point but to erase it."

PAIN NEUTRALIZATION TECHNIQUE (PNT) shuts off the Tenderness FROM TRIGGER POINTS by using NEUROMUSCULAR REFLEXES that each of us is born with.

PNT is founded on long-established scientifically reviewed and recognized physiologic standards of the musculoskeletal structure. What is groundbreaking is the use of biological reflexes of the body to turn off pain.

How Does PNT work to turn off pain?
Every muscle in the body has an opposite muscle. If an individual muscle tightens up its opposite muscle needs to relax to accomplish this contraction. When you find yourself in pain or get trigger points, the muscles have been in a state of contraction and can not relax. With PNT we encourage a trigger point to turn off by finding and simulating a neurological reflex point.

When the right reflex for the trigger point is treated, the trigger point will be much less sore or completely gone! Frequently the client’s problems related to that trigger point will resolve as well. Sometimes they get better immediately, more typically it takes several treatments.

PNT is a more advanced method for treating trigger points than other systems such as deep tissue massage, Nimmo, Travell, Strain Counter Strain, etc. The goal of PNT, isn’t to manage trigger points by mashing on them or use mechanical force as other systems do, but applies neurological reflexes to switch them off. When we get to the right reflex the trigger point is turned off in just a few seconds. People are always surprised that tender areas can be turned off in mere seconds.

"If the reflex is correct for the involved point, it will not be tender within a few seconds; it will be gone."

What are Trigger Points?
Trigger Points Are Often Overlooked Causes of Musculoskeletal Pain.
Trigger points are spots in muscle tissue which are tender when pressed. Trigger points can sometimes be felt as a slight swelling, a lump, or nodule by a therapist. They are associated with many different kinds of pain issues.

PNT is used for treating:

  • Neck pain
  • Back pain
  • Sciatic pain
  • Headaches
  • Jaw pain, TMJ
  • Shoulder pain
  • Knee pain
  • Foot pain
  • Cervical and Lumbar disc syndromes
  • Post surgical and non pathological abdominal pain
  • etc, etc, etc.

"Trigger Points Should Not Be Treated Over and Over, but Turned Off by Using Specific Neurological Reflexes"

Many trigger points are only sore when pressed. They are often near acupuncture points. A trigger point may be found in a muscles, ligaments, tendons, and scar tissue.

Acute vs Chronic trigger points
Trigger points may be acute or chronic. Acute trigger points will often go away quickly with normal massage. Chronic trigger points are usually the culprits for referred pain.

For example trigger points in the upper shoulder area may cause pain in the arm and/or the neck.

Finding chronic trigger points is an important part of your initial visit. After the trigger points are improved, many pain complaints disappear. Many of the trigger points will get better after each session and be undetectable after a few visits. Not all pain is because of trigger points of course, but turning off trigger points often not only relieves the pain but resolves the pain!

It's NOT Magic but it's pretty darn close to it!

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