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Update July 18, 2022 You can try to ignore
the war between good and evil or pretend it doesn't exist, but
that is not a good survival strategy. |
Update June 4th, 2022: Things continue to get more dangerous and more insane and I expect this will continue through the summer. I expect to see some MAJOR events happen before the midterm elections if they actually allow them to take place. A lot of things are going to be revealed that will make it impossible to pretend that nothing is happening. The economy is in deep trouble so get your financial house in order and consider buying some silver. Keep some cash on hand as you may not have access to your bank account for a period of time. When you go to the store, buy a little extra to keep on the shelf. Media and Internet blackouts are entirely possible during this period. Yes I know to many this sounds like conspiracy theory stuff but consider what has happened in just the last year and wear your tinfoil hat proudly. With all that said, I believe more than ever we are on the verge of something wonderful for all mankind, freedom from the evil bastards who have manipulated and enslaved mankind for a very long time. I Believe In The Good Things Coming.
You are witnessing the war between good and evil play out right before you. It seems like a lot of unconnected things and little of it makes any sense. This is by design and plan. We have been brainwashed, manipulated, and programmed to be confused and not realize what is actually happening.. |
Notice all the really
weird stuff going on that doesn't seem to make any sense? When you see the BIG PICTURE, it all makes perfect sense. |
It's a hard idea for good people to accept but the fact is a group of powerful evil people have been planning for a long time to eliminate a large portion of humanity and enslave the remnants. They have infiltrated and corrupted this country. |
I know that sounds crazy but when you accept that possibility, all the crazy stuff going makes perfect sense. Your chances of surviving the turmoil is increased if you at least know what is happening. |
THE BIG PICTURE - watch this all the way through to get what is happening. |
politicians have failed us. Our government on all levels has failed us. Our churches have failed us. Our education system has failed us. Our monetary system has failed us. Our medical system has failed us. Our legal system has failed us. Our voting system has failed us. Our technology is being used to enslave us. Our intelligence services are being used against us. Our values have been corrupted. This didn't happen by accident. It is all planned |
Our military may be our final hope. | |
Don't believe anything on TV. Remember how a few months ago we were told Hunter's laptop was fake by 17 intelligence agencies and now all of a sudden it's not? The lies will all be exposed and people will be shocked to learn how deep and pervasive the deception has been. |
THE GOOD NEWS - There are good people fighting back and will win in the end. |
You were born into this time for a reason. PAY ATTENTION to your intuition. You know something is seriously off but you don't want to be one of those conspiracy theory nut jobs, right? |
WAKE UP! Trying to pretend everything is going to return to normal soon is not a good survival strategy. It's going to be a bumpy ride. |
What you should do during this time: |
Keep some cash on hand as the financial system is going to change in a major way and there may be some chaos during the transition. This is going to happen no matter which side wins this war. Either the "Great Reset" if evil wins or the elimination of central banks if the good guys win. |
Keep some food and essentials for 30 days at least. |
Stand up, Speak Out, Stop The Madness! |
Bottom line: These satanic, evil, psychopaths are intent on killing as many of us as possible and have been planning it for a very long time. Don't make it easy for them. What is coming is nothing short of a revolution. Stay awake and you will see through the deception. I firmly believe the perpetrators will see justice on a biblical scale. |