I have been asked
about the taking the big V. If they can chase me down and hold me down
long enough to jab me, I will take it. IT IS NOT A VACCINE, IT IS
EXPERIMENTAL GENE THERAPY. Anybody that says it is safe
is either lying, brainwashed, or afraid to say otherwise. I predict
it will not be the answer to this problem but may very well create a
whole new set of problems. Make your own choice, but at least make an
informed choice. Do NOT be pressured to make a bad choice out of fear.
I choose to use cheap, safe nonprescription therapeutic solutions whenever
July 7, 2021 Update: "FEAR is the most effective method to control human behavior". The psychopaths in charge have no intention of stopping this madness since they have discovered how easy it is to get people to comply with complete nonsense using mass hypnosis techniques. It's never been about a "virus". It is all about control. That makes them much more dangerous than any virus. If you still think your government has your best interest in mind, your brain washing is complete. Please share this link, it could save a life. DR Mercola Interviews Dr. Zelenko May 21, 2021 Update: A FINAL WARNING TO HUMANITY FROM FORMER PFIZER CHIEF SCIENTIST MICHAEL YEADON Stand up and speak out while you still can. Take the "booster" shots coming soon at your own peril! Dr. Brownstein's new book: A Holistic Approach to Viruses October 29, 2020 UPDATE: Clients: I am seeing clients on a limited basis. I'm at my OKC office on Tuesdays and Wednesdays and at my Guthrie office some Saturdays. Email or call if you would like to visit about making am appointment. Prediction: We are going to see a real upsurge in Covid cases as people take flu shots and move indoors due to cooler weather. Take the flu shot at your own peril. I believe you will be more likely to contract Covid for a few weeks after taking it so be extra cautious. What do you intend to do if you are infected with the Corona Virus? Do you have a plan? I have come to the conclusion that we are on our own. The CDC, WHO, and FDA have put out so much contradictory information and misinformation that it has become painfully obvious to anybody paying attention that the best interest of the people is not at the top of their agenda. I have distilled down the mountain of contradictions and decided I would put out what makes sense to me. This is MY plan. If you decide to do similar you must accept full responsibility for your actions. I have provided links that may help explain how I came to my conclusions but for every position there will be counter arguments I'm sure. "Science" has become a laughing stock of anybody seeking truth. So I just put this out for your consideration. I'm really not interested in arguing. If this all make no sense to you please just delete and move on. Mask: To mask or not to mask? The latest studies show __(fill in the blank with your favorite outcome). I wear a mask when I go into a store or am going to be in close proximity to others in a confined space. I wear a mask that has silver embedded in it. Silver is anti-viral and antibacterial. I feel better about wearing a mask than not in these circumstances so I do. Click here to see the mask I use by EverBrand. I have no relationship with them except as a customer. Hydroxychloroquine
(HCQ): Again the latest studies show __(fill in the blank with your
favorite outcome). Click here for home recipe to make HCQ Budesonide: Budesonide is an inhaled corticosteroid that is currently being studied for its efficacy with COVID-19. It is a common, safe prescription therapy that is FDA-approved for breathing issues. It is available over the counter as "Rhinocort" or the WalMart equivalent.. Click
here for the full story on Budesonide Final thoughts: By the time you see this the new therapeutics may be available. If you get infected GO TO YOUR DOCTOR! If he offers nothing until you get worse, this is my backup plan. I don't trust any of them at this point. If you get in line for the new vaccine, all I can say is God help you. |
April 31, 2020 - The How Not To Die Club is a bunch of stuff I collected over the years. Some of the links may be broken as I have not tried to keep it current. I decided to open it up to everybody for now. It does not require you to join or enter a password. The link in the original email was broken. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Why should
you care what I have to say?
The health care providers and the government agencies responding to this pandemic have done heroic work and continue to do so. We are fortunate to have these dedicated professionals and you should pay attention to what they are telling you. I am coming at this from a different perspective that has not been adequately addressed. You are being bombarded with scary news every hour of every day and nobody is telling you what you can about it. Stress and anxiety are the leading root cause of illness and disease. Your immune system is not functioning at its best if you are in a hypervigilant state. So, I am going to tell you what YOU can do to help your immune system by reducing stress of all kinds. The medical profession is organized around find a therapeutic drug and/or a vaccine to solve the problem. That is not a criticism it is just what they do. The ultimate answer is to have a fully functioning immune system. We all have a role to play and I am hopeful you will find something useful here. All I ask is that you keep an open mind. You are NOT helpless in this situation. |
review the basics
Don't get complacent with this and use some coconut oil or quality hand lotion. If your hands get dried and cracked, you make the problem worse. | ||
Keep this and a bottle of water in the car | ||
touch your face!
This is how you get the virus in the great majority of cases. | |
rely on Hand Sanitizer!
A little squirt and and a little rub won't do it. | |
Car keys, credit cards, door handles, light switches, phone, etc. | |
Too many are not taking this seriously. | |
nutritional, physical, emotional, spiritual | |
Lots of good information here. (Just kidding... you are on your own) |
Physical Stress
MOVE! | The body, and especially the fascial system, requires movement. No Excuses! Walk, dance, stretch, shake, yoga, Foundation Training. I don't care what... just get off your ass and MOVE! |
Hydrate | Pinch the skin on the back of your hand then let go. If it flattens right back out, then you are hydrated. If not, you need more water. |
Sweat | Yes... sweat. Do anything that will make you sweat. If you don't sweat, your cells are bathing in a lagoon of biological waste. |
Sunshine | NO sunscreen! You need the full spectrum of sunlight. 10-15 minutes front and back with as few clothes on as possible. You are going for just a hint of pink on the skin so use some common sense. I know many of you have been told the sun is going to kill you but that is partly why so many are getting this virus so easily. |
See below in the next section |
Emotional Stress
trauma, multiple micro-traumas, and emotional stress are at the root of
most, if not all, illness and disease. When the nervous system is stuck
in a fight or flight or freeze state, our immune system goes pretty much
off-line. If you are being chased by a tiger, your body is directing all
its resources to survival, not digesting food or gut health. Your immune
system begins with your gut. This is why I never have asked a client who has had some kind of trauma how their digestive system is doing because it is always screwed up. Anybody with digestive issues no matter what label they put on it, has unresolved stress and trauma. THIS IS THE MOST IMPORTANT PART OF THIS POST. If you don't resolve the unresolved stress and trauma, you can take all the supplements and pills in the world and they will just pass through you with little benefit to you. Nobody likes the word "trauma" and they say "Oh I dealt with that" but the body doesn't lie and the body doesn't care how much you think you have "dealt with it". Trust me on this one when I say; Everybody, and I mean everybody, has unresolved stress and trauma. We are living in a time we are not fully adapted to. Fortunately, you found your way here and I am going to give you the easiest, most effective, and free solution - TRE. |
Resources I find interesting.. | |
Vitamin A & D effects on the immune system | From the National Center for Biotechnology Information |
Dr.SHIVA LIVE: The Immune System |
The politics will drive some crazy but the info is good. |
Dr. SHIVA: Time for Truth on CoronaVirus | |
Bruce Lipton on COVID-19, Coronavirus Pandemic & Evolution |
A new paradigm in understanding the body and genetics. |
Heres how I avoided all viral illness after my bone marrow transplant and how you can too by A.M. Carter |
Dr. Vladimir Zelenko has now treated 699 coronavirus patients with 100% success using Hydroxychloroquine Sulfate, Zinc and Z-Pak |
Rudy will make you cringe but the information is most interesting |
John F Barnes centering video |
I will consider
general questions if you email me. I will post additions and corrections
as the situation warrants. You are welcome to share the link to this
page with anybody you think might appreciate it. |