How Not To Die - The Rabbit Hole
We Don't Get Fooled Again
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“Just like yesterday
Then I'll get on my knees and pray
We don't get fooled again” - from Won’t Get Fooled Again - The Who 1971

If you haven’t read the last episode titled “Boy Was I Wrong, I encourage you to read it before this one.

In that episode I told you;

  • YOU were born into this time for a purpose!
  • Whoever ends up controlling the money will be the new boss
  • You will be hearing a lot about aliens and UFOs in the near future
  • The assassination of JFK begins the fight to bring down the cabal
  • Who the Cabal is
  • How Covid was supposed to bring in the New World order (didn’t work)
  • All the “crazy” stuff going on is NOT a random series of events
  • You are being manipulated by all media, especially social media

   So since the last episode ask yourself this question. Does the stuff I spoke about last time seem so much like conspiracy theory now? In a short period of time the revelations of corruption, human trafficking, UFOs, economic chaos, and threats of nuclear war have increased exponentially. This is going to continue to speed up.

   Remember the purpose is to keep you off base, uncertain, afraid, confused, and not knowing what to believe. It’s NOT a random series of events.

   This state of mind makes it easier to manipulate you, program you, and make you comply by choice. You won’t have to be forced to do what they want, you will gladly do what they want and you won’t even know you have been manipulated into doing it. This is one of the great dangers of social media.

   I know you don’t want to hear this but hear me out. Do you think social media exists for your benefit? You are being manipulated not just by what you see but what you don’t see. Social media forms a subtle prejudice of opinions and views in your subconscious mind for the benefit of their advertisers and their political (CIA) leanings. OK I know you think you are too smart to be sucked in so let’s move on.

The current HOT TOPIC BS

Aliens! UFOs! Oh my God they’re real! They’re here! We have no defense!

   A little bit of truth revealed is to cover the bigger lies. The “disclosure” going on is all orchestrated. They are NOT going to tell you the truth about aliens because they can’t and stay in power. The dog and pony show going on in Washington about this is just a useful distraction. They need a major scare event to create a compliant populace and this may very well be part of that. As the corrupt get cornered, they will get even more dangerous and need all the distractions they can muster. DON’T BE FOOLED!

So what am I supposed to do?

   Well as John Barnes is famous for saying, “Without awareness, there is no choice”. So the first step is to become aware of how you are feeling. If you find you are feeling anxious, stressed, or hyper-vigilant, then you can be certain your ability to discern what is true, safe, or truly in your best interest is greatly compromised. You could take some pharmaceutical drugs of smoke some pot or drink a little more but that won’t fix it. In my not so humble opinion I suggest you reset your nervous system regularly. How you say?

   Well most of you have been to see me at some time in the past and you were taught TRE, Trauma Releasing Exercises. This is the bodies natural way of releasing unresolved stress and tension. It’s not going to solve all your problems but you will certainly make better decisions and your chances of surviving the coming chaos will be increased. If you want to come in for a refresher session or host a group class, contact me.

What Else?

   Stand up, speak out, pay attention, and don’t believe anything the mainstream media (CIA) says. You don’t want to be the person that when asked, “What did you do during the great war between good and evil?”, says “I just pretended it wasn’t happening”. These are epic times and you are here for a reason during this time. Don’t miss it.



Finally: I ran accross this recently and I think it gets a lot right. I'm not saying I agree with everthing in it but it's worth your time to watch it.

Larry Ballard On Brics, Banking Collapse, And Restoration Of America


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