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It is obvious to me that there is a war going on between Good and Evil but very few people I know seem to be aware of it. I thought if I pointed out some of the things that brought me to this conclusion, others would reach the same conclusion. BOY WAS I WRONG! Most people are convinced that all the crazy stuff going on in the world today is just coincidence. They refuse to consider the depth of evil it would require to accept that nothing is a coincidence but rather part of very dark plan for humanity. The mind control fear programming through television, social media, newspapers, cell phones, schools, politics, and even the food has made it almost impossible for most people to see through the illusion that has been created. It is much easier to label people who point out the lies as conspiracy theorist or crack pots. WE HAVE BECOME COMFORTABLY NUMB!!! I could just keep my mouth shut as has been suggested several times as I have nothing to gain by speaking out except possibly the salvation of my soul. Since thats a big thing to me I will keep speaking out and hoping at least a few others will begin to explore that nagging feeling inside that something is really wrong. To survive what is coming is kind of the point of my HOW NOT TO DIE CLUB. I understand what I have to say is not for everybody. You are welcome to leave with my blessings. |
Forward So going forward I am going to lay it all out as I see it. I dont expect you to accept or believe anything I say. I hope to crack through the programming to help you break free. Some of the things I say will be shocking but later you will wonder how you didnt see it before. So here we go. YOU were born into this time for a purpose! YOU are blessed to be alive at this time to witness the events that are unfolding! WAKE UP! Dont miss this as it been coming for a very long time. This great war will determine whether humans (the ones that survive) live as farm animals or as truly free realized individuals. What is happening is a good thing that has to happen but it will be bumpy for a while. I am convinced that good will triumph. There are lots of good people fighting in all kinds of ways to contribute to this victory. The most important thing YOU can do to help is speak out, stand up, call out the BS. Yes you will be criticized and may embarrass your family and friends but its a small price to pay if you reach even a few. We will save those we can. Events are speeding up and it will become obvious to everybody that something is amiss. This will be like having the rug of reality pulled out from under their feet. As the magnitude of the lies is revealed and people are forced to examine everything they thought was true, they will more than a little distressed. We must talk about situational awareness. If you are to survive a dangerous situation, your chances are greatly improved if you accurately assess the threats you are exposed to. Ignoring them is not a good survival strategy. Down
the Rabbit Hole We Go! If you are not already freaked out lets take a peak down the rabbit hole. This will all tie together in the end I promise but between here and then it may seem quite random. Money First we have to have some basic understanding of money. Few people really have any understanding of money. Where does it come from? Who controls it? If they can just print all they want, why doesnt every country just print more? The truth is money in its present form is the greatest deception ever perpetrated on mankind. The paper money, digital money, and crypto money have NO ZERO ZIP actual value. They only have value if we believe and trust the monetary system which is not controlled by ANY country but rather by a very few powerful groups of people who figured out how to manipulate it. If we loose faith and trust in the system, it vanishes like a puff of smoke. In this war the winner will determine the fate of humans but whoever ends up controlling the money will be the true winners and the new boss. Both sides of every war that has ever been fought was financed by some group of money lenders. Do you think they didnt get anything in return? If you only listen, read, or watch U.S. propaganda, you have no idea that the money system is being fundamentally transformed behind the scenes. This will turn out to be a really good thing or a dystopian nightmare. I believe it will turn out to be a great benefit for ALL of humanity. When the change comes there will be a period of chaos and panic but hopefully it will be managed to make the transition as painless as possible. DONT FREAK OUT during this time. Keep what cash you can on hand for just this time. Oh and if you have anything invested in the stock market, good luck with that.
THE ALIENS This is where I know I will lose some of you but it is impossible to understand what is going on without learning some basics about the alien influence (good and bad) on human civilization. This is a taboo subject because it challenges some of the most basic beliefs we hold, especially religious beliefs. Our ignorance and refusal to consider that we have been lied to on a scale that is beyond our comprehension, is no longer an acceptable survival strategy. Aliens have been visiting and some living here for a very very long time. Some are benevolent and some are not. We really got there attention when we started exploding nuclear weapons during World War 2. The Germans got some advanced technologies from some of these races (in exchange for what is unclear). We recovered some wrecked alien craft in the late 40s and early 50s and reversed engineered some of the technology. At the end of the war we brought a bunch (and I mean a bunch) of top Nazi scientist to this country and put them to work in all scientific fields here after scrubbing their records clean of all that bothersome Nazi stuff. They ended up at top levels in our weapons, space, mind control (information media), chemical and pharmaceutical industries. What could go wrong! This secret space force was created and we became a country with a hidden government and a public government. Guess who really controls things. The Military Industrial Complex that Eisenhower warned about joined with emerging high tech industries and intelligence agencies to shape and control the narrative of reality to keep the people compliant. Social media was developed by DARPA. You will be hearing and seeing a lot about aliens and UFOs in the near future. Just know most of it is fake however convincing it might be. That doesnt mean it is not dangerous. The purpose is to keep you off balance and afraid thus more compliant. THE
JFK ASSASSINATION Along comes John F. Kennedy and for all his faults decides secret societies are dangerous and having a cabal of criminal satanic megalomaniacs in control of the money system was a bad idea. He may have gotten away with saying those things but when he said he was going to split the CIA into a thousand pieces and scatter them to the wind, his fate was sealed. He also conveniently pissed off some mob guys over Cuba after they helped him win in Chicago and become president. The public in your face assassination of JFK begins the current period of the fight to bring down the cabal of criminal bankers and nefarious organizations that want to enslave mankind. Some very courageous men organized to develop a plan to fight back knowing they had to succeed or die and in the process condemn humanity to a dystopian future of enslavement. THE
FACE OF THE CABAL The face of the cabal now is the World Economic Forum (WEF), The World Bank, The United Nations, The World Health Organization (WHO), The Center For Disease Control (CDC), The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), The Bank of International Settlements (BIS), The International Monetary Fund (IMF),George Soros, Bill Gates, the Rothschilds, the Rockefellers, etc. etc. You dont have to guess or wonder what these folks are planning for humanity, they publish it for all to see. You will own nothing and be happy etc. They have decided that there are just too many humans on the planet using up too many resources and devastating the natural world so the solution is to eliminate 90% of the worlds population (they said it, Im just repeating it). Now YOU as a compassionate human being find it impossible to believe they would actually put a plan in place to do exactly that. Well guess what, these satanic lunatics DO believe this and it has become their religion!!! They have implemented several parts of their plan to kill most of US! This is why it is imperative to WAKE UP to avoid being a causality in this war. TYING
IT ALL TOGETHER Covid was the operation that was supposed to bring in the NEW WORLD ORDER and THE GREAT RESET. Make people so afraid they will climb over each other to take part in the largest untested experimental gene therapy program in the history of the world. Lock us down, wear a mask even while driving in a car by yourself, plexiglass everywhere, stay home, keep your distance, get a booster, get another booster, discredit all cheap and safe treatments. Now consider for just a moment how all the things Ive mentioned only make sense if you really are trying to eliminate a large part of the population and make us so afraid we will comply with any nonsense they suggest. It is the ONLY vantage point from which all the crazy stuff going on in the world today makes sense. It is NOT been a random series of events or incompetence, it is a plan. The GREAT AWAKENING occurs when people realize how they have been lied to on a massive scale by their governments, their news sources, their medical professionals, their schools, and even their churches. WAKE UP! You can not hide or pretend this is not happening much longer. YOU have a part to play. HOPE
FOR MANKIND Fortunately the brave souls that put a plan in place during the Kennedy years are actively engaged in bringing down this satanic bunch of psychos. These efforts are becoming more visible every day and at some point when it is strategically advantageous the war will out in the open. That doesnt mean a guns and planes and bombs kind of war, although there could be some of that. Its a war to take control of the narrative away from the cabal and allow the disclosure of truth to humans. The battleground is in your mind. No matter what happens, we are never going back to normal. As people awaken, stand up, speak out, and casts off the slave masters, we will enter a period of history unlike any before. Be alert. Dont be afraid. Finally Remember
nothing is as it seems. What you see on the news is what you are supposed
to see for a purpose. You are being manipulated by
all media, especially social media. You dont want to believe it
affects you but it does and not in a good way. Assume everything any
person from the government is a lie because it most likely is. Question
everything! If man chooses
oblivion, he can go right on leaving his fate to his political leaders.
If he chooses Utopia, he must initiate an enormous education program
immediately, if not sooner. ~ R. Buckminster Fuller |